Friday, January 23, 2009

Bible Reading, former President Bush, and us

I just read a great post by Steve Wright on his blog The Lasting Divergence (see link on the left). The post deals with now former President Bush and his reading habits. President Bush would read the Bible through in a year along with a devotional every year. On top of that he would read at least 40 books a year. In 2006 he read 95 books. Wow! That astounded me!

Most Christians will not make time to read one verse let alone one chapter in the Bible a day and the leader of the free world would read through the Bible plus the additional 40+ books a year! We wonder why most churhces are stagnant and most Christians lives are the same - we do not treasure the Treasure we've been given in His Word! Whether its the Preacher who thinks to himself I've studied for my sermon for hours today, the Mom who says I'm too busy with the kids and the juggling of schedules, to the Dad who says I have too much to do, or the teenager whose apathy toward the Word shows in a life lacking any vibrancy, the problem lies solely with us. In our zeal to accomplish for ourselves and others we show no zeal for the very One who deserves it!

Let me ask you the same questions I've asked myself since being challenged by the post and accompanying Wall Street Journal article (link located in the post): Where is your zeal for His Word? Do I let my schedule dominate my Quiet Time? Do I truly treasure His Word as I should? Regretfully I found myself lacking when confronted by these questions - what about you?

My challenge is simple treasure His Word! Read it, cherish it, let it saturate your soul! Seek the counsel that only it gives! I fervently believe that a Bible Reading Plan should be apart of our lives on a consistent basis take on the challenge! Oh Lord Jesus forgive me for not wholly doing this with consistency in my life...may You be my treasure and may I discover the riches of that treasure in Your Word daily!

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