I recently read the short book/booklet by Alistair Begg "Preaching for God's Glory". Chapter 5 was entitled "Practical Pointers" and was quite challenging for me. These are pointers that anyone who has the privilege of preaching should remember. They involve what we should do in terms of preparation for preaching and spending time with Him and the text. Here are his five points:
1) Think yourself empty - if we do not become thinking pastors, we are unlikely to have thinking congregations.
2) Read yourself full - the pastor should read widely and regualrly.
3) Write yourself clear - freedom of delivery in the pulpit depends upon careful organization in the study, we must put our thoughts down clearly.
4) Pray yourself hot - there is no chance of fire in the pews if there is an iceberg in the pulpit; and without personal prayer and communion with God during the preparation stages, the pulpit will be cold.
5) Be yourself, but don't preach yourself - there is nothing quite so ridiculous as the affected tone and adopted of the preacher who wishes he was someone else. He further states, self-forgetfulness is of vital importance. We cannot make much of ourselves and much of the Lord Jesus Christ simiultaneously. A good teacher clears the way, declares the way, and then gets out of the way.
May we take these practical pointers to heart in our preparation, time spent with Him, and as we deliver that which He has given! What an honor it is! What a responsibility! My prayer is that He is glorified throughout our preapration and delivery!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Ted Haggard
In 2006 Ted Haggard was the Pastor of New Life Church in Colorado. His church was one of over 10,000. He was a staunch supporter of traditional marriage. What was unknown was that he had been having homosexual encounters with a male prostitute while using meth to enhance the experience. All the while leading his megachurch.
When the scandal broke the overseers/elders of his church asked him to step down and gave him a $100,000 severance package. He moved to Arizona where he sought counseling/therapy. What he received was heartbreaking. He went to a secular counselor and credits a secular self-help book for his deliverance during the past two years. He states that the counsel he received from those who were christians was not helpful and often judgmental.
He has a documentary that will be aired on HBO and will be on many shows including Oprah over upcoming weeks. I will be praying for Mr. Haggard. My prayer is that he finds True Counsel in the very Word he proclaimed for so long. The freedom he is seeking will only be found through True Repentance. You can find more about this at www.challies.com (link on the left as well) where a link is posted to the Washington Post article entitled "Trial by Fury" under Tim Challies' Ala Carte (1/27) post.
When the scandal broke the overseers/elders of his church asked him to step down and gave him a $100,000 severance package. He moved to Arizona where he sought counseling/therapy. What he received was heartbreaking. He went to a secular counselor and credits a secular self-help book for his deliverance during the past two years. He states that the counsel he received from those who were christians was not helpful and often judgmental.
He has a documentary that will be aired on HBO and will be on many shows including Oprah over upcoming weeks. I will be praying for Mr. Haggard. My prayer is that he finds True Counsel in the very Word he proclaimed for so long. The freedom he is seeking will only be found through True Repentance. You can find more about this at www.challies.com (link on the left as well) where a link is posted to the Washington Post article entitled "Trial by Fury" under Tim Challies' Ala Carte (1/27) post.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Bible Reading, former President Bush, and us
I just read a great post by Steve Wright on his blog The Lasting Divergence (see link on the left). The post deals with now former President Bush and his reading habits. President Bush would read the Bible through in a year along with a devotional every year. On top of that he would read at least 40 books a year. In 2006 he read 95 books. Wow! That astounded me!
Most Christians will not make time to read one verse let alone one chapter in the Bible a day and the leader of the free world would read through the Bible plus the additional 40+ books a year! We wonder why most churhces are stagnant and most Christians lives are the same - we do not treasure the Treasure we've been given in His Word! Whether its the Preacher who thinks to himself I've studied for my sermon for hours today, the Mom who says I'm too busy with the kids and the juggling of schedules, to the Dad who says I have too much to do, or the teenager whose apathy toward the Word shows in a life lacking any vibrancy, the problem lies solely with us. In our zeal to accomplish for ourselves and others we show no zeal for the very One who deserves it!
Let me ask you the same questions I've asked myself since being challenged by the post and accompanying Wall Street Journal article (link located in the post): Where is your zeal for His Word? Do I let my schedule dominate my Quiet Time? Do I truly treasure His Word as I should? Regretfully I found myself lacking when confronted by these questions - what about you?
My challenge is simple treasure His Word! Read it, cherish it, let it saturate your soul! Seek the counsel that only it gives! I fervently believe that a Bible Reading Plan should be apart of our lives on a consistent basis take on the challenge! Oh Lord Jesus forgive me for not wholly doing this with consistency in my life...may You be my treasure and may I discover the riches of that treasure in Your Word daily!
Most Christians will not make time to read one verse let alone one chapter in the Bible a day and the leader of the free world would read through the Bible plus the additional 40+ books a year! We wonder why most churhces are stagnant and most Christians lives are the same - we do not treasure the Treasure we've been given in His Word! Whether its the Preacher who thinks to himself I've studied for my sermon for hours today, the Mom who says I'm too busy with the kids and the juggling of schedules, to the Dad who says I have too much to do, or the teenager whose apathy toward the Word shows in a life lacking any vibrancy, the problem lies solely with us. In our zeal to accomplish for ourselves and others we show no zeal for the very One who deserves it!
Let me ask you the same questions I've asked myself since being challenged by the post and accompanying Wall Street Journal article (link located in the post): Where is your zeal for His Word? Do I let my schedule dominate my Quiet Time? Do I truly treasure His Word as I should? Regretfully I found myself lacking when confronted by these questions - what about you?
My challenge is simple treasure His Word! Read it, cherish it, let it saturate your soul! Seek the counsel that only it gives! I fervently believe that a Bible Reading Plan should be apart of our lives on a consistent basis take on the challenge! Oh Lord Jesus forgive me for not wholly doing this with consistency in my life...may You be my treasure and may I discover the riches of that treasure in Your Word daily!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Holy Hip Hop
When I was in middle school I was introduced to rap music. I can remember running into the house and turning on the television to watch "Yo! MTV Raps" trying to do the Ed Lover Dance and watching all the videos. There was something about the music and the way that the lyrics were delivered always stirred me. I've always had this love for rap music (my wife can't stand this) though it's changed the years in terms of what I've listened to I still listen to it.
What started with Big Daddy Kane, Eric B. & Rakim, and others has changed now to christian artists such as G.R.I.T.S., Lecrae, & The Cross Movement. I must say that over the past 5 to 10 years christian hip hop has improved drastically. The lyrical content that is now coming from artists is theologically solid and relevant. It's exciting to see how God is using this form of music.
I state this to point out a blogpsot on the Desiring God Blog (see the link on the left) entitled "Holy Hip Hop" where Thabiti Anyabwile speaks of about hip hop in the new resurgence in black theology. It was quite interesting and I pray that you find it the same.
What started with Big Daddy Kane, Eric B. & Rakim, and others has changed now to christian artists such as G.R.I.T.S., Lecrae, & The Cross Movement. I must say that over the past 5 to 10 years christian hip hop has improved drastically. The lyrical content that is now coming from artists is theologically solid and relevant. It's exciting to see how God is using this form of music.
I state this to point out a blogpsot on the Desiring God Blog (see the link on the left) entitled "Holy Hip Hop" where Thabiti Anyabwile speaks of about hip hop in the new resurgence in black theology. It was quite interesting and I pray that you find it the same.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A thought on history
Watching the inaugeration today caused me to pause and take in what was taking place. To see an African-American President sworn in was quite amazing and to watch the faces of those in attendance, especially those of African-American Senior Citizens, captivated my heart. Thinking of what has happened in the midst of their lifetime socially was emotional. I will be praying for President Obama as he leads our country.
I was impressed by the place of this day socially and one other thing impressed me and that was the grace with which now former President Bush handled this transition of power. I remember when he came into office that former President Clinton's farewell seemed to be set to rival the inaugeration and in poor taste. This transition was one in which cooperation and grace was exhibited, even to his private farewell, and that impressed me.
I heard the word coronation used by a commentator over the past few days and this also caused me to pause but in a much different way. This word is one the should be used sparingly toward any man if used at all. There is a King and He will return. His death, burial, resurection, and ascension served as His Coronation. This King is Jesus!
In this time where ideology separates and harsh rhetoric destroys from the left and the right. May those who know the King serve Him passionately and may He have full reign in our hearts! May we take advantage of every opportunity to share Him with neighbors, friends, co-workers, and relatives! True unity is found only in Him! There is no issue of race or party in Him! I praise You King Jesus for this!
The closing prayer found in the devotion that follows my Scripture reading for the day yesterday is fitting to grant us the focus we need on such a momentous day: "O Father, how can I ever thank You that the work of salvation is complete? Nothing more needs to be done than has been done. Your Coronation spells it out in the clearest of terms. I am so deeply, deeply grateful. Amen." For true change to happen we must be changed by the King through the salvation He alone offers.
I was impressed by the place of this day socially and one other thing impressed me and that was the grace with which now former President Bush handled this transition of power. I remember when he came into office that former President Clinton's farewell seemed to be set to rival the inaugeration and in poor taste. This transition was one in which cooperation and grace was exhibited, even to his private farewell, and that impressed me.
I heard the word coronation used by a commentator over the past few days and this also caused me to pause but in a much different way. This word is one the should be used sparingly toward any man if used at all. There is a King and He will return. His death, burial, resurection, and ascension served as His Coronation. This King is Jesus!
In this time where ideology separates and harsh rhetoric destroys from the left and the right. May those who know the King serve Him passionately and may He have full reign in our hearts! May we take advantage of every opportunity to share Him with neighbors, friends, co-workers, and relatives! True unity is found only in Him! There is no issue of race or party in Him! I praise You King Jesus for this!
The closing prayer found in the devotion that follows my Scripture reading for the day yesterday is fitting to grant us the focus we need on such a momentous day: "O Father, how can I ever thank You that the work of salvation is complete? Nothing more needs to be done than has been done. Your Coronation spells it out in the clearest of terms. I am so deeply, deeply grateful. Amen." For true change to happen we must be changed by the King through the salvation He alone offers.
All day yesterday we heard warnings of the great snowstorm coming our way - 2 to 4 inches in the south are like a foot or more in the north. I checked the county schools website last night and saw that school was cancelled by 9:30pm - now I was considering breaking into one of those "when I was a kid" stories of growing up in the north here but I'll spare you the details of snow, freezing weather, abusive parents making us wait for the bus while we battled frostbite and snowmonsters and went bravely to school (I'll just say we didn't get out of school that often and most of the time we prayed for a delay). Soooo, when Jill got home from work she woke us up to show us the snow and we bundled up the kids to go outside. Caleb and Caitlyn went outside and Chloe stayed inside because she is still not feeling well. Here are some pics of there 15 minute adventure - that's how long the kids lasted before the wind and snow got to them!

Caleb looked hilarious in his snowsuit! When Jill put it on him with snowboots he wobbled all over the house falling down so we changed him into sneakers and he was able to manuever - when he was wobbling around he looked just like Ralphy's little brother Randy in "A Christmas Story", we were laughing so hard it hurt!

Here's Caleb after trying to imitate Jill doing a snow angel! He had a blast his first time in the snow! Jill was laughing her head off the whole time she was doing the snow angel - it was hilarious!

It took some coaxing to get Caitlyn off the porch but here she is venturing out!
Caleb looked hilarious in his snowsuit! When Jill put it on him with snowboots he wobbled all over the house falling down so we changed him into sneakers and he was able to manuever - when he was wobbling around he looked just like Ralphy's little brother Randy in "A Christmas Story", we were laughing so hard it hurt!
Here's Caleb after trying to imitate Jill doing a snow angel! He had a blast his first time in the snow! Jill was laughing her head off the whole time she was doing the snow angel - it was hilarious!
It took some coaxing to get Caitlyn off the porch but here she is venturing out!
Caitlyn finally went and "played" a little! None of the kids have seen much snow, especially being born in South Carolina! Living just outside of the great ski resort of Myrtle Beach will hamper getting to see snow :)!
After this pic Caleb licked some of the snow off of his mitten and looked at me and smiled I then whispered in his ear that "my Father made that"...He is so good to us and moments like this with family remind me of that! I praise You for the snow today and the enjoyment is brings! I praise You for my family to enjoy it with!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Mount Olivet Baptist Church
This morning God gave the opportunity to preach at Mount Olivet Baptist Church in Raleigh this morning. The morning started off rough with Chloe waking up a fever of around 102. With her fever, Caleb recovering from the Croup, and Caitlyn feeling a little horse Jill stayed home with them while I went to preach. It's always a naked feeling without the family, especially Jill, with me. The great part about the morning was that Chloe really wanted to go to church. She was upset that she couldn't go so Jill and I each talked with her and let her know that she needed to stay home so that God could help her feel better. While I did feel bad for her it was amazing to see her fight to go to church and then get genuinely upset about not being able to go - I praise God for that being fostered in her. After our conversation Jill and I were going to pray but before beginning she asked Caitlyn if she would pray for her big sister with us. Caitlyn was so precious in praying for her sister and while we were praying I was holding Chloe's hand and she was squeezing and squeezing it just believing that God would heal her - they taught me a lesson about faith before I got to share mine!
The church was easy enough to find (thanks to Jill's CHRISTmas present - her new GPS). When I arrived I was impressed with their facilities. The physical structure of the church is quite big. In the service itself there were only about 30 people but I must admit I really enjoyed the service. There was a freedom to worship and I sensed that same freedom when preaching. The people where very warm and there where some who responded during the invitation for various needs. I had a great time with them and pray that God will open the door to return.
As for the sermon I preached from Matthew 26:1-16. Finding prep time while watching the kids is not always that easy but God blessed this week with two extended times of study that were quite fruitful. I talked about the cost of sacrifice and betrayal from the following outline:
I. The deception of betrayal. (v.1-5)
II. The nature of sacrifice. (v.6-13)
III. The price of betrayal. (v.14-16)
I enjoyed the prep and pray that God blessed the delivery. I'm really starting to love getting to preach whether to adults or youth. Getting to share is like "a fire in my bones".
In terms of prep there were two tools other than my Bible that were extremely helpful. The first was my Harmony of the Gospels. It was great to see where these verses fit chronologically during the Passion Week. The second was The Gospel According to Matthew from the Pillar New Testament Commentary Series by Leon Morris. I learned of this commentary through the list Danny Akin has on his site (see link on the left) entitled "How to build a Theological Library". These both provided great insight into the text.
I praise Him for this day and opportunity!
The church was easy enough to find (thanks to Jill's CHRISTmas present - her new GPS). When I arrived I was impressed with their facilities. The physical structure of the church is quite big. In the service itself there were only about 30 people but I must admit I really enjoyed the service. There was a freedom to worship and I sensed that same freedom when preaching. The people where very warm and there where some who responded during the invitation for various needs. I had a great time with them and pray that God will open the door to return.
As for the sermon I preached from Matthew 26:1-16. Finding prep time while watching the kids is not always that easy but God blessed this week with two extended times of study that were quite fruitful. I talked about the cost of sacrifice and betrayal from the following outline:
I. The deception of betrayal. (v.1-5)
II. The nature of sacrifice. (v.6-13)
III. The price of betrayal. (v.14-16)
I enjoyed the prep and pray that God blessed the delivery. I'm really starting to love getting to preach whether to adults or youth. Getting to share is like "a fire in my bones".
In terms of prep there were two tools other than my Bible that were extremely helpful. The first was my Harmony of the Gospels. It was great to see where these verses fit chronologically during the Passion Week. The second was The Gospel According to Matthew from the Pillar New Testament Commentary Series by Leon Morris. I learned of this commentary through the list Danny Akin has on his site (see link on the left) entitled "How to build a Theological Library". These both provided great insight into the text.
I praise Him for this day and opportunity!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Quiet Time
This year Jill and I are reading through the Bible in a year. I'm excited to be doing this again and for the first time with Jill. I had done this during my Quiet Time for 6 yrs then this past year I went through a couple devotionals and the New Testament but it was not as fruitful as reading through the Bible in a year had been. We are using the Every Day With Jesus Bible: A One-Year Reading Bible (HCSB). The format is a reading from the Old and New Teastaments along with sections of a Psalm and a Proverb then a devotion follows up the reading. I have greatly enjoyed this so far and look forward to the rest of the year.
A great challenge today came in the closing prayer of the devotion.
"O Father, help me come to the quiet time expectantly - expectancy that here my weakness shall become strength, my doubt become faith, my fears become courage, and my sin become redemption. I ask this for Your Name's sake. Amen."
May I always approach my time with You with expectancy! Father may I be repentant when when I do not do so. Create in me a heart of expectancy that longs for You! This is the cry of my heart today - may it be the same for us all!
A great challenge today came in the closing prayer of the devotion.
"O Father, help me come to the quiet time expectantly - expectancy that here my weakness shall become strength, my doubt become faith, my fears become courage, and my sin become redemption. I ask this for Your Name's sake. Amen."
May I always approach my time with You with expectancy! Father may I be repentant when when I do not do so. Create in me a heart of expectancy that longs for You! This is the cry of my heart today - may it be the same for us all!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Why Servant Heart?
I choose Servant Heart as the title of my blog for a couple of reasons. After rededicating my life to the Lord in 1993 during the spring semester of my first year of college at Marshall University I heard someone say "he has such a servant heart" in terms of an amazing compliment given to a friend. From the time on those words have resonated in my heart and God has embedded them there as a challenge to me to strive to develop in my life and the lives of those around me. Upon coming to grips with a call to ministry in 1994 I have sought to Develop Servant Hearts in every context He has placed me. As for what I expect from this endeavor I pray that God will use this as an outlet for me and resource for others.
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