Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seminary Graduation

Some thoughts on Seminary Graduation and some pics of some professors to share with everybody. I have to admit May 28th was an emotional day for me. It was the end of a long, long journey. It was also a joyous time to celebrate with both sets of parents and my sister getting to be there with us. Leading up to the time I was so stressed. Papers and finals were hanging over my head along with some major personal issues. This semester I wrote 16 or 17 papers - I have never wrote so much in my life! Writing for me is a bit of a struggle and takes much time. Jill was gracious through it all as I had to be at the Library quite a bit, especially toward the end of the semester. This semester I also had 3 extraordinary professors. They were amazing because they cared for me not as a student but as Man of God and father. It was humbling to have sat under such men and I am indebted to them and cherish their examples as Men of God. Here are some pics and thoughts about each:

This picture is with Dr. Shawn Madden, myself, Caitlyn, and Caleb. I was not able to get a picture with him on graduation day so I went to his office before moving to Kershaw and shared a few moments. He taught my Hebrew I & II courses. I found the courses quite difficult yet his engaging style made class enjoyable. I look forward to continuing contact with him. He tenderness of heart and encouragement were both beautiful things this semester.

This picture is with Dr. Todd Borger. He taught my Old Testament II course. I have fallen in love with the Old Testament over the past few years and he continued to fan the flame in my wanting to pursue God in this way. It was his first year at the school after teaching in Malaysia and I was the first student of his at Southeastern to graduate. I look forward to coninued contact with him and that our friendship will grow.

This picture is with Dr. Danny Akin. He is the president of the school and taught my Expository Preaching course this semester. I was scared to death to take this course because of the courseload and because he is a very direct person and I thought he might tear me up when I had to preach. In the end his passion for the Word of God and preaching challenged my heart in ways that will continue to impact my ministry for years to come. It was a pleasure to get to know him personally and to have him take an disticnt interest in my life.
God placed each of these 3 men in my life this semester to encourage and challenge me through a very difficult time and I thankful for HIS use of them during that time. I will not soon forget the impact of each.

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