I must say that I love summer. There is so much to love about it. Time outdoors, with loved ones, the excitement of having the kids at home (most days, some days w/3 lil ones running around can get stressful - lol). One of the distinct things I love about summer is getting to go to a Camp I've been involved with for about ten years.
This Camp is different than others in certain ways. Many of the kids there are from difficult socioeconomic backgrounds, some are from backgrounds where abuse was a tragic part of their lives. This along with the fact that my friend's ministry pays the way for them to go to Camp, which is an amazing picture of God's provision and graciousness considering the economic climate we live in, make this week so refreshing. When asked the question is there one thing that you would not give up in an interview setting I say this Camp. Of course, when they hear of how God uses this week the church I serve always wants me to go and to bring others.
When it comes to bringing others each year is different. The one constant is that each year I bring some of our older youth to serve as what is called Junior Counselors. Each year the number of people varies yet what happens through the week does not. In youth culture few really serve others and at this camp they are forced to serve and in this service are put into some situations where they are stretched and have to fully trust in The Lord. In the midst of this God shapes and molds in beautiful ways.
This year will be quite different in that I'll be bringing my beautiful Chloe (our oldest) with me as a Camper. This will be her first Camp and it will be awesome getting to experience this with her. She is such a beautiful girl with a tender heart for Jesus! My hope is that over the years that each of our children will go and then as they get older serve at this Camp. Hopefully all five of us can serve together in this setting!
I love this Camp but that pales in comparison to my love for my Savior and King. It is through life with HIM that I see my desperate need for HIS continued graciousness and for HIS Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity by which this Gospel finds a glorious expression. I'm so thankful to see expressions such this and to participate in it in settings such as this Camp. I can't wait until July 20-26! The anticipation is building!
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