As soon as I returned from camp we had VBS here at Oak Ridge (actually we started the next day). Some say VBS does not work anymore yet that comes from those not in our context. It works quite well and our VBS this year was a great success. Our attendance from those inside and outside the church was awesome! We broke 100 on two different nights - which is amazing! Most importantly we saw two 6th grade boys embrace Christ as Savior! We also have many with which to follow up with.
Our kids had a blast! Caleb and Caitlyn were in Jill's class. Jill is a great teacher and they enjoyed each night. Her class had as many as 18 3 to 5 yr olds so she was busy throughout the week! Here are some pics:

Caleb is getting so big! Each day he was so pumped to go! I pray he embraces Christ and lives passionately for HIM!

Chloe posing as usual, she is so beautiful. She has really grown since we've moved here! She is like a sponge and took in so much of the teaching through the week! May she embrace Christ and shine for HIM!

This pic is not focused that well but it is still easy to see how beautiful Caitlyn has become! She will be starting Kindergarten this year! She learns by participating in activity and she loved all the activities at VBS. She is such a free spirit, may she embrace Christ and HE use this to glorify Himself!

This is a pic of Nikki Gainey. She had her face dunked in baked beans during our Family Night. We collected money throughout the week for a mission project. The winner (either the girls or boys - the girls won) got to vote on who they wanted to see dunked. I thought for sure that it was "rigged" and that I would be the one, which would've been fine, but I got got lucky because Nikki's husband collected the votes and the girls voted for her (they associated her with him and forgot about voting for me!). All the teachers voted for me but the girls out voted them! Nikki was a great sport!

One of the great things about serving here with this Body at Oak Ridge is their heart to serve those in need in our community as a demonstration of the Gospel. This is a pic of the house we worked on for our VBS Mission Project. This pic does not truly do the condition of the home justice. The home was in terrible shape. We cleared numerous overgrown trees and shrubs from around the house. We cleared and cleaned off the porch of old furniture, trash, and other "stuff". We cleaned a ton of trash bags (some of which were decomposing) out of the yard and from around the home itself. At two dfferent times I had a watery, disgusting slime-like substance either spilled on me or squirt in my mouth! (It was kinda funny but nasty at the same time!) Me and my friend Tick Wilson were the designated spider killers, we killed a ton of huge spiders, they were truly huge! When we left the house looked so much better! We did not take the pics, as we were exhausted, to truly do justice for the work done. We will be going back to continue with some painting and with continued follow up with the Gospel.
What a great VBS!