Thursday, September 30, 2010


Something amazing happened last night during our midweek service. Let me give some background first. We are in dire need of improving our sound in our sanctuary. The lack of quality effects our worship services. With that said we have priced what we need to improve our sound and the total comes to over $9000. The initial step in this improvement process would cost approximately $3500. Since we have just carpeted most of our church, which was needed badly as the carpet we had was 40 yrs old (yes, that is four years older than I am and it was looking that way) we did not have any money to put toward the sound.

So that brings us to last night. There was an envelop in the church office and I was asked what it was for and said I have no idea and told those in the office to tell me after service. That did not happen as our Music Minister busted through the door waving her hand for me to come to the office. When I got back to the office there were huge smiles! In the envelop was $3500 in cash and written on the were the words "Sound System"! Yes, almost exactly what we needed for our initial step in our sound improvement! God is so amazing!

I have been praying daily for months about our sound situation. It is something that will glorify God and enhance our worship in being able to do so. I am totally humbled by HIS provision! Thank you Lord!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ministering to those Grieving

Ministering to those grieving is a distinct privilege and responsibility. I have to admit that I'm not good at this. For the most part we are always good at the point of loss but after the funeral when the "rubber meets the road" we "drop the ball". The Lord has challenged me in this of late, especially as a dear friend of mine at the church nears the end of his life. The need for the Body to care for those well after the funeral is huge. It is such an amazing time for the Gospel to be embodied in our care for the souls of the family as they grieve. If we are the Gospel-centered community we should be then we must take on this task and serve well those in our Body whose souls are aching.

The weeks that follow should include direct care by the Pastor and the Body. The Pastor should engage his people in the process of care immediately. He should be quite visible in the beginning while bringing along others from the Body and all the while should allow the Body to function as HE so beautifully intends it to.

The goal is soulcare and seeing the Gospel applied. Grieving is needed and should happen. The function of the Body in the midst of it should be an essential part of the process. Lord, may I love and serve well as a shepherd in this and may our Body do the same.